Makeup is a basic necessity to many women. Since it was first used in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, it has evolved into various types. Today, you will be able to see scientifically advanced cosmetics that can smooth complexion, hide pores, brighten eyes, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Most of the products sold in the market are better and safer than the mixtures women have used in the past. Makeup is indeed one of the things that some women can’t live without. A lot of them, in fact, refuse to leave their homes without wearing at least foundation or lipstick. Women associate beauty and glamour with makeup. But what if something came up and more makeup has to be brought along? What is a woman to do in such a situation? Easy: bring a makeup train case.

A makeup train case is a portable and practical storage for makeup. It usually comes in a square or rectangular shape, and has sturdy handles and latches to make traveling easy. It pops out on hinges whenever its top lid is opened. It is also sometimes used to store toiletries and accessories. It has several compartments to keep these items organized and secured. Most of these types of makeup cases include tiered trays that store brushes and other tools in these little compartments. They also have separate cases for cotton balls, false eyelashes, and applicator wands.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5521467